THREE Groups at the Scott County Heritage Center & Museum

Many people are confused about our three organizations that are housed together at the Museum.  

1.  The oldest organization is The Scott County Historical Society, Inc., (SCHSI) 1050 South Main Street, PO Box 245, Scottsburg, Indiana 47170, organized ca 1922. Phone:  812.752.1050, Ed Cozart, President.   This Society preserves history of Scott county.   Meet 4 times a year with a Historical Dinner and Program at the Museum.

2.  The Preservation Alliance, Inc. (PAI) was organized in 1992 to save the Scottsburg Depot.  Since then, they are the governing body of the Scott County Heritage Center & Museum.  PAI is the owner of the building that houses all three of these different organizations.  Address:  1050 South Main Street, PO Box 122, Scottsburg, Indiana 47170.  Phone:  812.752.1050.  John Lizenby, President.  The group preserves original historical items of Scott county.  No specific meetings.  The Board meetings are open to the public first Tuesday of each month, 5:00 p.m.

3.  The Scott County Genealogical Society, Inc., (SCGSI) 1050 South Main Street, PO Box 23, Scottsburg, Indiana 47170-0023.  Phone:  812.752.3388.  Email:   This organization was formed in 1992. Jeannie Noe Carlisle is President.  This Society preserves family histories and help others in researching their family lines.  Meetings are on the 1st Thursday of each month at the Museum, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. excluding January. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.  Refreshments are served and all meetings open to the public.  A program is presented at each meeting.  SCGSI rents two rooms from the Museum to house their material.

The Lexington Historical Society, Inc. (LHSI) doesn’t meet in the museum, but meet at the Lexington Christian Church Fellowship Hall, Lexington, 7 p.m. on the 4th Mondays of January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, and October.  President is Jeannie Noe Carlisle.  Contact information: Lexington Historical Society, Inc., PO Box 238, Lexington, IN  47138-0238 or carlisle.jeannie@gmail.c0m.  The LHSI was formed in 1987.

When you have items to donate;  you will know which group to give what items too.