Partial list of our surnames in Scott County, Indiana:
Abbott, Abel, Abner, Acree, Acre, Adams, Addison, Addison, Akemon, Albertson, Albright, Aley, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Allhands, Allison, Allman, Alpha, Alridge, Alsup, Amburgy, Ames, Amick, Amos, Anderkin, Anderson, Andis, Andrew, Anthony, Apple, Applegate, Arbuckle, Ardery, Armstrong, Arnett, Arnold, Arthur, Asabraner, Asbury, Ash, Ashby, Ashcraft, Asher, Ashley, Atkins, Auer, Ault, Austin, Avendano, Axton, Aycock, Ayrosa, Babbs, Bagby, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Baldwin, Bales, Ball, Ballage, Ballard, Bane, Banks, Bannister, Banta, Bard, Barnes, Barrett, Barringer, Bartle, Barton, Basham, Basley, Bass, Bastian, Bates, Battorff, Baughman, Baxter, Bayes, Beach, Beal, Beanblossom, Beard, Beatty, Beaver, Beck, Beckett, Bedel, Bedwell, Beeler, Begley, Beickman, Belch, Belcher, Beldon, Bell, Benefiel, Bengel, Benham, Bennett, Benton, Berger, Berna, Bernard, Berry, Berryman, Bess, Beswick, Betts, Bibb, Biddle, Bierly, Biggs, Bingham, Bird, Bishop, Bittner, Bixler, Black, Blackaby, Blagg, Blagrave, Blair, Blake, Blaker, Blankenbaker, Blankenship, Blanton, Blass, Blaylock, Blevins, Blizart, Blocher, Blotcher, Blount, Blume, Blunt, Boardman, Boatman, Bode, Bodemer, Bodine, Bogard, Boggs, Bohannan, Boles, Boley, Bolin, Boling, Bollinger, Bolser, Bolton, Boner, Bonsett, Boofer, Booher, Boomer, Boone, Booth, Borden, Borders, Bordner, Borley, Bosaw, Boshears, Boss, Boston, Boswell, Bottoms, Bottorf, Bovard, Bowan, Bowen, Bower, Bowerman, Bowles, Bowling, Bowman, Bowyer, Box, Boyd, Boyer,Boyle, Boyles, Braden, Bradley, Branaman, Brandenburg, Brandt, Branson, Brattain, Braudy, Brazelton, Breeding, Breedlove, Brenton, Breshear, Bressler, Bretz, Brewer, Brewster, Briddle, Bridge, Bridgewater, Bridgwater, Briggs, Bright, Brill, Brim, Brindley, Briner, Brittenbach, Broadus, Broady, Brock, Brond, Brooks, Broshear, Brough, Brown, Broyles, Bruce, Bruggenschmidt, Brumett, Bruno, Bruther, Bryan, Bryant, Bryson, Buchanan, Buckner, Buford, Bullock, Bunch, Bunger, Bundy, Burchett, Burchfield, Burdette, Burge, Burger, Burgess, Burie, Burke, Burkhard, Burks, Burlington, Burnett, Burns, Burr, Burris, Bush, Buskirk, Bussey, Butcher, Butler, Butt, Buttle, Buxton, Buzzard, Byfield, Cade, Cain, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callis, Calloway, Calvert, Campbell, Campton, Cane, Canepa, Card, Cardrey, Carey, Carlisle, Carlile, Carnahan, Carnes, Carpenter, Carr, Carroll, Carson, Carter, Carwright, Casey, Cash, Castro, CAthcart, CAtt, Caudill, Centers, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chamness, Champion, Chandler, Chaney, Chapin, Chastain, Chasteen, Cheatham, Cherry, Chesterfield, Childress, Childs, Chilton, Christianson, Christie, Christy, Clampett, Clark, Clarkston, Clegg, Clem, Clements, Clemmons, Cleveland, Clever, Cline, Close, Clutter, Coatney, Coats, Cochran, Cockerham, Coffee, Collings, Collins, Colwell, Combs, Comer, Compton, Conard, Connett, Conover, Cook, Cooley,Combs, Coombs, Coomer, Coomes, Coons, Cooper, Cooperider, Cope, Copeland, Cornett, Corner, Couch, Courtney, Cowles, Cox, Cozart, Crafts, Craig, Crane, Cravens, Crawford, Crawhorn, Crawley, Creech, Criss, Crockett, Cross, Crum, Cruson, Cruthcer, Cummings, Cummins, cunningham, Curtis, Custer, Cutshall, Cutshaw, Dailey, Daily, Dake, Daniels, Darnell, Dart, Davidson, Davis, Davison, Day, Deal, Dean, Deaton, DeBerry, Decker, Deeds, Deer, Deerfield, Dempler, Dennis, Denser, Denton, Derringer, Deskins, DeSpain, Devers, DeWitt, Dickey, Dickinson, Dieterlen, Dismore, Ditzel, Dixon, Dobbins, Dobbs, Dollens, Donahue, Donnell, Doolittle, Dowling, Downs, Doyle, Draper, Drummond, Duff, Duffield, Dunihue, Dunlap, Dunn, Dyke, Dykins, Eacret, Eads, Edwards, Ellinger, Elliott, Ellis, England, Engle, Engleman, English, Enlow, Enteman, Epply, Erb, Ervin, Eskridge, Estep, DuDaly, Evans, Eve, Everage, Everett, Everhart, Everidge, Everitt, Eversole, Fabel, Fagersten, Faith, Faris, Farley, Farmer, Faulkner, Fawbush, Fee, Felker, Feltner, Ferguson, Ferrello, Ferris, Fewell, Field, Finch, Finley, Fish, Fishback, Fisher, Fitch, Fitzsimmons, Fleetwood, Fleenor, Fleming, Fletcher, Flint, Florence, Floyd, Fluhr, Fogersten, Follick, Ford, Foreman, Forrest, Forshee, Forsyth, Fortune, Foster, Fouts, Fowler, Fox, Fraley, Francis, Franke, Franklin, Frazier, Freeman, French, Friedley, Fry, Frye, Fugate, Fulkerson, Furnish, Gabbard, Gaddis, Gaines, Galbreath, Gallespie, Gambill, Gamble, Gardner, Garfield, Garr, Garriott, Gary, Gasaway, Casper, Gates, Gay, Geary, George, Gerber, Gibbins, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gillaspie, Gillenwater, Gladden, Glass, Glendennin, Glendy, Glover, Goben, Gobin, Goble, Goddard, Goff, Goforth, Goins, Golden, Goldman, Goodin, Goodlet, Goodpaster, Goodspeed, Goodwin, Gordon, Goss, Govers, Grady, Graebe, Graham, Grammer, Grantham, Grapevine, Graves, Gray, Graybill, Greco, Greear, Green, Greene, Greenwood, Grey, Grider, Griffin, Griffith, Grigsby, Grimes, Grimm, Grinstead, Groskurd, Gross, Grove, Guernsey, Gullion, Gumm, Guthrie, Guy, Guynn, Gwin, Haag, Hacker, Halcomb Hale, Haley, Hall, Hallowell, Hamacher, Hamblein, Hamblin, Hamelman, Hamilton, Hamlyn, Hamm, Hammon, Hampton, Han, Hancock, Hand, Handley, Hanes, Harbert, Harbold, Harden, Hardin, Hardgrove, Harding, Hardman, Hardy, Harmon, Harris, Harrison, Harrod, Hart, Hartley, Harwell, Hatfield, Hattabough, Hauersperger, Haulk, Hawkins, Hawn, Hay, Haycock, Hayden, Hayes, Haymaker,Hays, Hazelwood, Hazzard, Heacock, Heady, Heater, Heath, Hedrick, Helms, Helton, Henderson, Hennings, Henry, Hensley, Henson, Henthorne, Herald, Herod, Herron, Herzog, Hickerson, Hicks, Higdon, Higginbotham, Higgins, Hightower, Hoard, Hornaday, Horner, Hornsby, Horst, Horton, Hosea, Hoskins, Hostetler, Houchens, Hough, Hougland, Hounchell, House, Houston, Howard, Howell, Howerton, Hubbard, Huber, Huckleberry, Hudson, Huff, Hufford, Hughbanks, Hughes, Hulings, Hull, Huls, Hulse, Humble, Hunger, Hunley, Hunt, Hunter, Hurley, Hurst, Hurt, Hutchings, Hutton, Hyden, Ice, Imlay, Ingram, Ipock, Ireland, Isaacs, Isenhower, Isgrigg, Ison, Ivey, Jackson, Jacobi, Jacobs, James, Janes, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jeffrey, Jenkins, Jennings, Jessee, Jett, Jewell, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joseph, Judd, Judkins, Julian, Kaag, Kallembach, Karns, Kaster, Kattman, Kays, Keach, Keath, Keith, Keller, Kelley, Kelly, Kemp, Kemper, Kempton, Kendall, Kennedy, Kenney, Kent, Kern, Kersey, Kessinger, Kessler, Keymon, Keys, Kiebler, Kieth, Kilburn, Killey, Killion, Kimball, Kimberlin, Kimbrell, Kime, Kimick, Kinder, King, Kinnard, Kinney, Kirby, Kirk, Kirsch, Kiviniemi, Kiwitt, Kleopfer, Kline, Knight, Knott, Koerner, Konkle, Kovener, Kovert, Kraas, Kraus, Kreiger, Kreps, Krider, Kuntzi, Kurtz, Kyser, Lacy, LaCrosse, Lafferty, Lagenaur, Lakins, LaMar, LaMaster, Lamb, Lambert, Landsberry, Lane, Langdon, Lanham, Laraway, Larrkison, Larue, Lashbrooks, Lauderdale, Law, Lawless, Lawson, Leake, Leatherman, Ledford, Ledlow, Lee, Leet, Leffler, Leland, Lemons, Lesnet, Lett, Lewellyn, Lewis, Light, Lightcap, Linch, Lindsay, Liter, Littell, Little, Livesay, Lizenby, Lloyd, Long, Longest, Lord, Losey, Louallen, Love, Loveday, Lovins, Lowell, Lowry, Loy, Lucas, Luckett, Lundy, Lunn, Lush, Lutes, Lutz, Lykins, Lyles, Lynch, Lynn, Lyo9ns, Lyskowinski, Lytle, Lyttle, Mace, Madden, Maddex, Maggard, Mahoney, Maiden, Maines, Malott, Mann, Mansfield, Manuel, Marcum, Marion, Marks, Marling, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massena, Massey, Mathews, Mattingly, Maupin, Maxwell, Mayer, Mayfield, Mays, McAdams, McCamment, McCartney, McCaslin, McCauley, McClain, McClannahan, McCleery, McClellan, McClure, McConnell, McCory, McCoskey, McCrary, McCready, McCreary, McCullough, McCurry, McCutchen, McDaniels, McDonald, McFadden, McFarland, McGlothlin, McGrew, McIntire, McIntosh, McKain, McKay, McKee, McKinney, McKnight, McManus, McMillen, McNear, McNeely, McPeak, McQueary, McQueen, McTarsney, McWilliams, Meadors, Meadows, Meagher, Medlock, Meeks, Meranda, Mercer, Meredith, MIller, Milles, Miner, Minor, Miskel, Mitchell, Moenter, Moneypenny, Monroe, Montgomery, Moody, Moon, Moore, Morgan, Morris, MOrrison, Morton, Moser, Mosely, Motsinger, Mount, Muchmore, Mull, Mullins, Mummert, Munk, Murfin, Murphin, Murphy, Murray, Musgrave, Myer, Napier, Napper, Naugle, Nay, Neace, Neathery, Needham, Needler, Nehrt, Nelson, Neuhauser, New, Newberry, Newman, Newsome, Nichols, Nicholson, Noble, Noe, Nolan, Norris, Northern, Norton, Nowling, Nunemaker, O’Brian, O’Neal, Oard, Olverson, Orr, Osborn, Owen, Owens, Ozment, Pace, Palmer, Parham, Park, Parker, Parks, Parr, Parrish, Parrott, Pastrick, Paswater, Pate, Patrick, Patterson, Patton, Pauley, Payne, Peacher, Peacock, Pearcy, Pearson, Pennington, Penrod, Peregine, Perkinson, Perrin, Perry, Peters, Petty, Pfaffenberger, Phegley,Phillips, Phillipy, Pierpont, Piet, Plake, Pogue, Polk, Porter, Pounds, Powell, Powers, Prall, Prather, Price, Prince, Proctor, Puliam, Quarles, Quinn, Radcliff, Randle, Raney, Ravencroft, Rawlings, Ray, Rayborn, Reardon, Redenbaugh, Redman, Reed, Reedy, Reeves, Reid, Renschler, Renslow, Retherford, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rhodues, Rhude, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richerson, Richey, Richie, Richmond, Rider, Ridge, Ridlen, Righthouse,Robbins, Robertson, Roll, Sanders, Sickel, Sidebottom, Sigman, Silence, Silvere, Simmons, Simms, Sink, Sipe, Sizemore, Skaggs, Skeel, Skelton, Slayton, Smallwood, Smith, Smithers, Snelling, Snowden, Solsbery, Sommerville, Somsel, Stanley, Stark, Starr, Stearns, Steele, Stephens, Sterling, Stevens, Stewart, Stice, Stidham, Stockdale, Stollings, Stone, Stonehouse, Stoner, Sutton, Swan, Sweany, Sweet, Swope, Symmes, Taflinger, Terrell, Terry, Thomas, Thornell, Trotter, Trumbo, Van Meter, Walker, Ward, Wells, White, Wilson, Wolf, Wolfe, Wolff, Whitehead, Wrighthouse, Yount, Zollman.
For more information on these various families, check with the Scott County Genealogical Society, Inc., or telephone 812.752.3388. The Research Rooms are open Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Location: Scott County Heritage Center & Museum, 1050 South Main Street, Scottsburg, IN 47170 in the rear of the Museum.
When visiting the research rooms, be sure to check with the Museum, also, for your surname in their files and gifts that have been donated. Museum hours are: Tuesday-Friday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Questions, call 812.752.1050 or email
Did you know that free queries are available in the Scott County Historical Society newsletters, the Lexington Historical Society and the Scott County Genealogical Society, Inc. Just send to Jeannie Noe Carlisle, PO Box 245, Scottsburg, IN 47170-0245 and she will see that the three societies get the queries.