Lexington Township on north side of highway.
Also known as Nabbs, Nabs, Knabb, Nabb Station
Scott and Clark County divided down the center of State Road 362
There are plans to begin a book on Nabb’s History in 2017. Anyone having information of the people or the Nabb area, please contact Stephanie Carlisle Miller, nabbmemories@gmail.com.
As most know, Nabb is a small community and is slowly dying out. The only business left is an antique store and a post office only open 1/2 days.
8/14/1935, Scott County Journal, Scottsburg, Indiana: Nabb News:
Ross Privitt and wife have moved to Sellersburg, whre they are preparing to start a restaurant.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hebner have moved to the Chas. Bower farm.
Mrs. Rosa Armstrong has returned to Geneva, Illinoi, after a few weeks stay at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Graves visited relatives near Shelbyville, Sunday.
Gordon Noe, of Madison, spent Sunday at home.
The Journal, Scottsburg, Indiana, 17 August 1921 Nabb News (intended for last week) Fern Noe is better. She had appendicitis. Mrs. Alice Dodson is visiting relatives in Scott County. Rev. Yates and family have returned from Princeton. The log haulers are filling this place with logs again. Aunt Rhoda Staples is seriously ill and not expected to live long. Mrs. Ed Robbins and family are spending a few days at Morristown. A new pumper, Mr. Johnons, is on duty at the Nabb water station. Perry Boles and family, of Indianapolis, are visiting relatives here. Charley McCune is preparing to move his family to Indianapolis this month. The Sunday school gave a successful ice cream social at the church Friday evening. We had a light frost last night, so the poor little Katy-dids did know something after all. Several citizens made a trip to the peach orchard Sunday and paid $3.00 per bushel for peaches. Mrs. Ida Shields is wearing a new name grandma to her new granddaughter, Frances Lucile Perkinson. There are now over 30 teams at work on the Boulevard which leads us through “Nowhere.” This will be the favorite highway as it is being leveled as no other pike has been. These picturesque hills will be just the proper places for large manufacturing establishments. We would like a flour mill built about a mile north of Nabb as there is plenty water.
Nabb, Indiana Post Office
Extracted from records of Dr. Carl R. Bogardus Nabb, Clark County, Indiana established 2 October 1878 with Albert H. Barnes as the first postmaster. The Nabb post office postmaster was a political position and rotated between Scott County and Clark County several times just across the highway. 2012 – the Nabb Post Office has its own building and is located on Postal Drive in the Clark County side of Nabb. Mark Bridgewater was the last Postmaster. In 2013 Nabb became one of several small post offices that was affected by the continuing downsizing of the United State Postal Services and is no longer open all day. The Lexington Post Office postmaster, James Morgan serves as postmaster. In 2012, the Nabb Farm Bureau was discontinued and all the buildings were demolished.