Scott County was formed from part of Clark County in 1820, therefore, you may find these interesting.
Submitted by Randi Richardson, IN Genealogical Society, South Central Director.
Cincinnati (OH) Daily Gazette, November 20, 1873, p. 8.
A boatman named William Woods, an old citizen of Jeffersonville, Indiana,
was instantly killed Wednesday afternoon at Memphis, Ind., by a freight
train, from which he fell, passing over him. Woods leaves a wife and
several children.
New Orleans (LA) Pimes-Picayune, May 8, 1875, p. 8.
Jeffersonville, Indiana, May 7-Bill Rodifer, one of the most noted convicts
in America, made another daring attempt to escape from the penitentiary with
three other prisoners at three o’clock this morning. One of the guards
heard a noise in one of the cells and, on making an examination, he was
suddenly confronted by the prisoner armed with a revolver. The guard
retreated for help, and on further examination showed that Rodifer, in some
mysterious manner, had secured the keys, unlocked his cell door, silently
seized the inside guard, disarmed him, threw him into the cell, locked him
in, and then made an attempt to knock a hole in the wall large enough to get
through. The noise he made in attempting this first alarmed the guard and
Rodifer was secured and again locked up.
New Orleans (LA) Times-Picayune, October 15, 1876, p. 10.
Jeffersonville, Indiana, Oct. 14-A distressing accident occurred about four
o’clock today resulting in the death of Capt. James Howard, the well known
steamboat builder of this city. Mr. Howard, with a horse and buggy, was
returning from Louisville on a ferry boat and, when about half way across,
the horse began backing against the apron that was not fastened, and horse,
buggy and Mr. Howard, who was seated in the vehicle, were precipitated into
the river. The boat was stopped and effort made to launch the yawl boat,
but the rigging being swollen by rain, it became unmanageable, and the
attempt was abandoned. Mr. Howard swam a hundred yards but finally drowned.
The body was recovered. Capt. Howard was 62 years of age.
Indianapolis (IN) American Nonconformist, May 30, 1895, p. 8.
Jeffersonville, Indiana, May 29-Patrolman Peter Madden, who shot and killed
William Kendrick, colored, formerly of Indianapolis, after being cut by him,
has been acquitted by Justice Ware. The acquittal is generally approved by
the whites while the colored people are dissatisfied.
Indianapolis (IN) Freeman, September 12, 1908, p. 8.
[Special to The Freeman]
Mrs. Quinn Adams of 629 Indiana Avenue, will leave soon for St. Louis and
then to St. Paul to meet her son, Robert, who is employed in Seattle,
Washington. Mrs. Adams will be gone several weeks.